Sunday, June 16, 2013


I was so happy to see the sun this week! I had a lot of great chances to get some fun sunshine pictures; and while there were lots of great sunny shots, none of them were jumping out at me for this week's theme. Instead, I decided to think outside the box and snap a few photos of the moon last night. After all, we wouldn't see the moon if it wasn't for the sun shining it's light onto it. So here is my take on sunshine for this week! -Dina 

I was concerned about getting this photo in on time! I knew I wanted to try this shot, but every day at around 8 p.m., it was rainy or cloudy, or I was busy. It was still overcast until about 6 p.m. Sunday night, when the sun finally broke through, just in time for this post. Although I'll take credit for the photo, my next door neighbor gets credit for the flower. There are some beautiful blooms just on the other side of the fence. I tried to shoot through the fence, but couldn't quite get the angle I wanted, so I sneaked into his backyard.  -Cort

Next Week's Theme: Once again I am relying on my friend Rachel Mindrup for some challenging theme ideas. She gave me three to choose from, and I'm going with something much less literal, and more open to interpretation than what we've typically done so far. It should be fun shooting A Hidden Agenda.

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