Merry and Bright
I love this time of year. I. love. it. ONE of the many things I love
about Christmas is the Christmas tree. My Christmas tree. Mine is
artificial (to me, the only way to go) and though it's a 6ft tree, it's a
little bit scrawny (like a real one without the needles, ha!) but once I
get done loading it with ornaments and garland and extra lights, it's
one of the most beautiful things in my house. :)
For the first
time in this project, I re-created a photo that I took last year. I used
my Dad's star filter from his old 35mm film days and viola! a fun,
merry and bright photo. -Dina
This week's theme finally gave me the impetus to break open the boxes of Christmas decorations. Even though I enjoy doing this, some years I don't actually get around to it because I never spend Christmas at my own house, and I'm busy with a million other things.
I also enjoy using my extension tube for macro shots. I dusted off this favorite photographic tool of mine so that I could get some close-ups of a shiny ornament reflecting the lights of the tree. -Cort
Next Week's Theme: Silent Night
I have to admit I forget to look at this each week, but thoroughly enjoy it when I get time to catch up on them : ) This is the most similar photo I've seen you two take! I love both your ideas! ~Shanna