Dina and I have agreed on certain ground rules for this blog experiment, but the best way to keep us accountable is to share these rules with you, our faithful viewers!
Weekly Themes. Each week, one of us will pick a theme for the following week's photographs, and by Sunday night will share this theme, via the blog, with our partner and our audience.
Picture Time. We can take photographs at any time and any place from Sunday night to the next Sunday night. The only limits of this are the limits of our imaginations and our equipment.
No Archives! We cannot go into our archives and post photographs that we have already taken. We may return to previous locations or subjects, but everything posted must have been taken during the preceding week.
Posting. By the following Sunday night, the person who suggested the theme will send the best image that relates to this theme, along with a brief description, to the other person. That person will post it alongside his/her own image and description. At the end of the post, the post-er will reveal the theme for the following week.
Great start to your idea and creative expression. It will be fun to explore themes and their expression during the year.